Monday, April 8, 1985

It has been so long since I wrote in this that I can't remember all the events that have happened since I last wrote in here.  Lucielle Plumb and Casey Moritzky, both passed away each having cancer it happened unless than a week from each other.  Lucielle was around 80 and casey was about 26.  He left a young wife Laurie.

Josh has a nice girlfriend, Sheryl Van Deren.

This last weekend was Easter and also General Conference.  We went down to Roosevelt Lake camping and stayed Friday and Saturday nights we came home early Sunday morning.  Mark and Liza and their children went also, Jared, Jason, Cristina, Sara, Loye and I all went.  Roger, Cathy and their girls except Cassie all came down and back on Saturday Amber Whiting came with them.

  Loyelin is expecting again so she wasn't feeling like going.  Shanna lives so far away, her and Jim don't get to come very often.  I love all my family but it is easier to feel close to those who want to be near us.

Mandy is such a little fisty britches and she always has an answer for everything.  As we were looking for a place to camp we teasingly told the kids we were going back to Taylor.  This upset Sara Rikki and Mandy who were riding in the car with us.  "Why?" said Sara, "Oh Brother!" is Rikki's favorite comment.  Then came this disgusted little voice from Mandy "I'm not happy!"  As she was drinking her milk and looked out toward the lake she said "If I would throw this in there it would all turn to milk."  She is a little pouter but she is so full of life and her comments always send out a ray of sunshine.  Little Rikki's is pretty quiet but still enjoys life to the fullest and never bothers anyone.  Candon is all boy and acts accordingly.  Tiffany is so good natured she just played in her playpen until someone picked her up then she was all smiles and happy.  Sara is a pretty little girl, always talking, sometimes enthusiastically, sometimes not so enthusiastic, but always talking.  Cristina is a very pretty girl and always likes to do fun things.  She is also very talented.  I just hope she sets her goals in the right direction.  Jason is my baby and sometimes acts like it, but he is so much company for me and I love him dearly, he also has lots of talents.  He could be a very good athlete, but athletics really doesn't seem to interest him to much.  As long as he is a good boy and does as his Heavenly Father wants him to, everything will be alright for him.

We did have an enjoyable trip the desert was so green and pretty with wild flowers everywhere.  We came home through young (an isolated community in the middle of Pleasant Valley, located under the great Mogollon Rim of Arizona.)  over 58 miles of dirt road.  The people of Young are very back-woodsy because it is so hard for them to associate with the rest of the world because of the bad roads.  They have a branch of the church there that meets in a small, ice little church house.  Young belongs to the Taylor Stake.

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