Wednesday, August 20, 1986

I got up when Loye went to work so I could get the trailer straightened up before I went over to the temple.  Since the wedding wasn't until 11:30 am.  I took my time finally I got over there about 9 am.  So I decided to go through the 9:30 session.  I got my name (Maria Santanna 1874.)  I thought I slept good so I should be alert and bright but I had to fight off sleepiness all the way through.  By the time the session ended it was about 11:30 and I was afraid the wedding had started but it hadn't.

It was really a lovely wedding.  yvonne looked radiant and Bart looked handsome.  Brother Brewer performed the ceremony.  Shum and Cathy's family was all there except Dana (Monte's wife) who is about to have a baby (her first).  Cathy had 2 brothers and 3 sisters there.  There were lots of Judds and from our family there was Uncle Ross and Aunt Ilene and Aunt Mina, Anna Lou and her daughter Julieann, Sheree and her daughter Ivy, Rion Ramsey and Me.

After the session, Anna Lou, Sherree, Julie, Ivy, Rion and I all went over to Matta's and ate lunch.  I really enjoyed visiting with them all.  Sheree and I both wore our dresses alike, mine is gray and Sherree's is blue.  When they took pictures Sheree said we can stand on opposite sides and be the borders.

When I came home Loye was in the shower.  We went uptown shopping at Home Depot.  It was so hot 112 degrees a new record for Aug. 20.  As we rode along in the car I would put my hand out the window and the heat would almost burn my hand.

On our way home we stopped at Safeway and bought a few groceries so we could make a cool supper which we did.

It has been nice being down here alone with Loye.  It has been very few times in our married life that we have been alone.  Although I am not looking forward to being alone all the time, it is nice right now.

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